Thursday, 20 February 2014

Some splatter nail art

It's been a while since I've done any nail art. So I tried a simple splatter skittle in an unintentionally patriotic colour combo. I can't say I'm in love with it... Probably should have gone all out and did all splatter nails. But splatter is always so fun to look at!

Online tutorials always seem to suggest dipping a straw and blowing... but I've found that getting a big blob on the brush and then just give it a big blow onto my baggie works much better. 

What you see immediately below is the modified version it, which I will wear to work tomorrow. After the jump, you'll see that it's the thumb I've changed. 

I also had a go at stamping... why am I so bad at stamping? The little bit of white on my left pinkie is what I hadn't quite scratched off yet after my failed attempt at stamping. I think I need to start practicing by making stamping decals, until I get the technique right... I am terrible at lining it up and the colour is never as defined as photos of other people's stamping!

The original was three coats Celestial Cosmetics Cosmic Rays. The red nail was The Pink Planet. Both were samples from other orders.

The red in the splatter is OPI Oui Bit of Red, the white is OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and the blue is CK Electric Blue. Everything topped with a generous coat of HK Girl. I love that stuff, I really need to figure out how to get the big refill bottles, I go through so much of the regular sized bottles!


  1. Oh my gosh, the splatters look amazing! I've yet to try that technique but this mani is very inspiring.

  2. Splatter is so easy! This is only the second time I've tried it, and all I could think was 'why don't I do this more often?"
