Saturday, 9 August 2014

Guinea Pig Update + Photos

The fur babies are well. Sadly, Panda passed away. I'm not sure if I ever mentioned that. That was quite a few months ago now. We all miss the cheeky little bugger. But we're still delighted by the antics of the four we still have with us.

We have also received news that two of the little girls we adopted out have become mummies themselves! They grow up so fast. Here are some recent photos I've taken.

Big Q

Doe munching on kale

More munching of kale

Little Q wondering, 'what about me?'

Doe hanging out on the couch

Little Red Bear being cute

Look at my little nose and mouth


  1. They are so adorable! I'm sorry to hear about Panda.

    1. Thank you. It's the other side of being a pet owner of course.
